Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Another blogger...

4 months out of work and not that much to show for it. So I decided to kick my own butt. Am I terribly interesting? Probably not. Witty? Occasionally. Creative - always! I bake, bead, cook, bend wire, quilt, take bad photos, knit, melt metal, read voraciously, write, love music, movies and words, love to be outdoors or with friends & family. You'd think I'd find enough to keep me busy but life without a schedule is a challenge. I don't do well without structure and some kind of accountability no matter how vague and virtual. So - a blog. I hope it doesn't turn out to be cringingly annoying but who knows? It will have definite moments of snark and whimsy.

The challenge is to create something every day for month - until September 23. It has to be something a bit challenging and have some tangible output at the end. In other words, making a bologna sandwich doesn't count but elaborate doodles do. Fixing a broken earring doesn't count, but making a pair will. also - learning something new, even if the project isn't complete - that'll count too... and learning how to make Twitter post to my phone does not count.  >:0|      I'll post pictures of the output daily. Feedback is welcome.